
Showing posts from January, 2018


Ruling class use the working class to benefit luxuries. Political Hegemony "Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity". Stereotypical:  relating to a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Conforms:  Conformity is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to group norms. Norms are implicit, specific rules, shared by a group of individuals, that guide their interactions with others. Subverts:  undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution). Objectification:  the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object. Sexualisation:  Sexualization  (or  sexualisation ) is to make something sexual in character or quality, or to become aware of sexuality, especially in relation to men and women.  Sexualization  is linked to sexual objectification. Hegemony:  leadership or dominan...


Media language Key Theory 1: Roland Barthes- Semiotic, proairetic and hermeneutic codes. Key Theory 4: Claude Levi Strauss- Binary Oppositions. Tzvetan Todorov- Equilibrium. Steve Neale- Genre, Repetition and difference. Representation Stuart Hall- Representation. Lisbet Van Zoomen- Feminism. bell hooks- feminism (for everyone). David Gauntlett- Identity Industry Livingstone and Hunt- Regulation Curran and Seaton- Power David Hesmond Halgh- Cultural industries. Audience Richard Dyer- Stereotypes. George Gerbener- Cultavation theory. Stuart Hall- Reception. Albert Banduras- Hyperdemic needle. David Gauntlett- Pick and Mix.


Adbusters genre "Genre conventions in magazines are completely informed by the social and historical context to which they are made". Talk about Genre . Use words such as conventions and hybridity. Social and Historical context. (when it was made, who it was made by etc). (How society has changed). Background (The magazine's ideology). 'Completely' -Biased and an opinion. Evaluate. Define key terms: in this case Genre. State in your introduction whether you are for or against etc. Evidence: detailed example from the magazine. Argument: Theory. Social context is vital informing the conventions of magazines. Ideology of the producer. Historical Factors (What is going on at the time of the issue being published). The industry. How to structure an essay Read the question. Underline key terms. Gut reaction- what's your opinion? What argument will you make? PLAN- on the answer paper. Introduction- CDA (Context, Definition and...
Marcel Duchamp Rene Magritte Banksy Detournement: Hijacking or re-routing aka culture jamming. Culture jamming is often obsessed with consuming and capitalism being unfair. The practice of criticizing and subverting advertising and consumerism in the mass media, by methods such as producing advertisements parodying those global brands. Adbusters Pop culture Satirical Comedy- used to attack somebody political or a large company. The brand has a lot of white background to symbolise purity. The masthead changes every time. They do not hint at what is inside.  May/June 2016 edition. Based in Vancouver. 1989 Issue 125 The message is showing that terrorists are winning, by showing a celebrating terrorist lookalike. (Central Image) The layout looks distressed and damaged to relate to the theme of war and conflict. It's different from other magazines.  Subverts many conventions. Black background. Front cover ima...

TimeInc.UK (IPC)

The International Publishing Corporation Ltd was formed in 1963 following the merger of the UK's three leading magazine publishers - George Newnes, Odhams Press and Fleetway Publications. They came together with the Mirror Group to form the International Publishing Corporation (IPC). It is a global brand. It is part of a huge conglomerate owned by the three publishers. Being part of a conglomerate can limit creativity.  Woman TV advert 1985 The content is easily open and accessible. Most likely aimed at working class due to the tone of the advert and the offers of competitions inside. Adopts a very direct mode of address.  Woman magazine in present time is heavily concentrating on showbiz and fashion rather than cooking. What extent is the regulatory framework of magazines in the uk effective? Key theory 13-Regulation- Sonia Livingstone and Peter Hunt You can't spread false news. You can't express ...
Benefits of Stereotyping: Can help build a sense of community. Can be used in all genres of film and tv through characters specifically comedy. For the producer to determine the audience. 

Woman magazine and representation

Representation of femininity  The messages encoded in the magazine about the female identity are primarily housewives, for example there is an article featured about kitchen appliances. The typical target audience for this magazine is most likely middle aged heterosexual women who are married. This is an example of hegemony. It reinforces patriarchal hegemony. The function of the Woman's magazine is to give advice and tips on particular topics that women are stereotypically interested in, for example Fashion etc. "Women can only fulfil their lives by reading Woman magazine". This magazine can be seen as a form of control. Key Theory 9- Feminist theory- bell hooks Feminism is a struggle to end patriarchal hegemony and the domination of women. Feminism is not a lifestyle choice: it is a political commitment. Race, class and gender all determine the extent to which individuals are exploited and oppressed. "Feminism is for everyone" The woman holding ...

Woman Magazine Part 2

Uses condescending language to suggest that women who are reading aren't intellectual enough to understand the article without description. Women may read articles like this and think they have to like kitchens and housework. This is an example of the cultivation theory. The Target audience is assumed to be heterosexual Women married or in a relationship. The article focuses only on the kitchen because it was believed in many households then that thats were they spend the majority of their time, this point is exaggerated in the magazine as it is a double page spread. The article is almost worded like an instruction manual, It is heavily step by step. Key theory 8- Feminist theory- Lisbet Van Zoonen Gender is constructed through codes and conventions of media products, and the idea of what is male and what is female changes over time. Women bodies are used in media products as a spectacle for heterosexual male audiences, which reinforces patriarchal hegemony, (Male gaze theo...

Woman Magazine

Comparing Component 1 and 2 We don't know what will appear in component 1 and we know exactly what will appear in component 2. Audience responses to the cover of Woman magazine The target audience is Housewives. They use topics of Kitchen, cleaning and beauty to gain this type of audience. The image on the cover is trying to represent the perfect Wife in order to aspire the female readers. The language on the front cover is quick and simple in order to summarise the contents of the magazine. This helps persuade a customer to buy the magazine if the content advertised on the front cover interests them, they will find entertainment from reading the whole magazine. The font used is bold and simplistic as it wants to attract the widest target audience of women possible. They have also featured a famous director's name to gain readers, it shows how successful the magazine is, as it is able to interview a huge celebrity of the time. The audience wonder how they can be like her...

Revising the industry theorists

12- Power and media industries -Curran and Seaton The media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the logic of profit and domination. Conglomeration. 13- Regulation - Sonia Livingstone and Peter Lunt Transformations in the production, distribution and marketing of digital media, have placed traditional approaches to media restrictions at risk. 14-Cultural industries- David Hesmondhalgh Companies try to minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration. Cultural Capital: The cultural resources of an individual, for example knowledge, qualifications, art, customs and tastes. Gucci Beethoven Louis Vuitton shoes Tacky Newspaper case study texts: Lower class newspapers use a restricted lexis with alliteration so it doesn't intimidate the reader. Self fulfilling prophecy. It makes an assumption that the target audience isn't particularly intellectual. It allows the producers to manipulat...

Audience Negotiation

Newspapers What affects how audiences interact with media products? Prior Knowledge (e.g: age certificate) Ethnicity Gender Age Sexuality Past experiences  Family Location Politics                                  Stuart Hall Reception Theory: The ways in which the audience receive or interpret a media product. Preferred : Audience agrees with the ideology of the producer.  Negotiated : When the audience comes to an agreement. Oppositional : Audience completely disagrees with the ideology of the producer.  Ideology of Christmas is that it is a christian occasion, however many families that aren't Christian celebrate Christmas. It is seen by the general public as a time of family and friends coming together. Its commonly about giving and receiving gifts. An oppositional view of Christmas might be that someone doesn't have or want to spend money on gifts for peo...