
Adbusters genre

"Genre conventions in magazines are completely informed by the social and historical context to which they are made".

Talk about Genre .
Use words such as conventions and hybridity.
Social and Historical context. (when it was made, who it was made by etc). (How society has changed). Background
(The magazine's ideology).
'Completely' -Biased and an opinion.
Define key terms: in this case Genre.
State in your introduction whether you are for or against etc.
Evidence: detailed example from the magazine.
Argument: Theory.
Social context is vital informing the conventions of magazines.
Ideology of the producer.
Historical Factors (What is going on at the time of the issue being published).
The industry.

How to structure an essay

  1. Read the question. Underline key terms.
  2. Gut reaction- what's your opinion? What argument will you make?
  3. PLAN- on the answer paper.
  4. Introduction- CDA (Context, Definition and Argument).
  5. Paragraphs- PEA (Point Evidence Argument).
  6. Conclusion.


Symbolic: The article uses the same style as the brand it is attacking and contradicting it with flip flops made from bottles. 

Hermeneutic: It starts controversy.

Intertextuality: when a media product refers to another media product.

A direct referential code to charity adverts. 
cultural capitalism
 binary opposition of necessity vs luxury.
It is implying they are responsible for poverty.
It discusses the dominant ideology that we desire luxury that we don't need to survive.
Implicit message that the money can go somewhere more useful such as charity.
The target audience for Adbusters is middle class who may actually be wearing this Louboutin.
This is a direct anger article.
Connotation of Poverty.
The representation of poverty is very stereotypical.

Commodity Fetishism

A strong desire for a particular product.
Like a binary opposition.

Karl Marx

ruling class use the working class for benefits like luxury.

Both pages are contradicting and binary opposites.
Assumed knowledge.
Middle class.
Symbolic of guilt.

An example of audience response would be sharing this article online.

How does Adbusters use representation to present ideologies to posistion it's audiences? Make reference to explicit examples for the Kill yourself, save the planet article.

The article featured in Adbusters is attempting to feed guilt into people, so when they next 


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