Marcel Duchamp

Rene Magritte


Detournement: Hijacking or re-routing aka culture jamming.

Culture jamming is often obsessed with consuming and capitalism being unfair.

The practice of criticizing and subverting advertising and consumerism in the mass media, by methods such as producing advertisements parodying those global brands.


Pop culture
Satirical Comedy- used to attack somebody political or a large company.
The brand has a lot of white background to symbolise purity.
The masthead changes every time.
They do not hint at what is inside. 
May/June 2016 edition.
Based in Vancouver.

Issue 125
The message is showing that terrorists are winning, by showing a celebrating terrorist lookalike. (Central Image)
The layout looks distressed and damaged to relate to the theme of war and conflict.
It's different from other magazines. 
Subverts many conventions.
Black background.
Front cover image not fully anchored


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