Woman magazine and representation

Representation of femininity 

The messages encoded in the magazine about the female identity are primarily housewives, for example there is an article featured about kitchen appliances. The typical target audience for this magazine is most likely middle aged heterosexual women who are married. This is an example of hegemony. It reinforces patriarchal hegemony. The function of the Woman's magazine is to give advice and tips on particular topics that women are stereotypically interested in, for example Fashion etc. "Women can only fulfil their lives by reading Woman magazine". This magazine can be seen as a form of control.

Key Theory 9- Feminist theory- bell hooks

Feminism is a struggle to end patriarchal hegemony and the domination of women.
Feminism is not a lifestyle choice: it is a political commitment.
Race, class and gender all determine the extent to which individuals are exploited and oppressed.
"Feminism is for everyone"

The woman holding a tissue symbolises the stereotype of women being emotional.
The overall message shows that women stay at home and cook while men go out and work then come back to relax and drink beer.
The man is a consumer, in this example of media the woman is doing everything for him.
She's using the handkerchief from the man's suit.

Advertising in Magazines

Magazines generate revenue primarily through sales of copies and advertising. 
Advertising accounts for approximately one third of total revenues across the industry. It is, therefore, vitally important that the magazine and advertising content target the same audience in order that the advertising brands benefit form increased sales as a result of advertising in the magazine.

'ESSENTIALS: The power of Magazine advertising':

High audience engagement.
Less distraction likely from other activities.
The ability to target niche audiences.
High production values.
Potential for placement in highly relevant editorial environment.
Non-intrusive (readers can turn the page).
Long shelf life

The function of this advert is that the soap gives a unique relaxing experience. You are also gaining femininity as the advert is saying you will gain this experience and attractiveness from using this 'beauty' soap. "Darling" Tone is direct and very female and informal. Binary Opposition. Subtle sexual connotations and a sense of objectification. Voyeurism.


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