Audience Negotiation


What affects how audiences interact with media products?
  • Prior Knowledge (e.g: age certificate)
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Sexuality
  • Past experiences 
  • Family
  • Location
  • Politics                                 

Stuart Hall Reception Theory:

The ways in which the audience receive or interpret a media product.
  • Preferred: Audience agrees with the ideology of the producer. 
  • Negotiated: When the audience comes to an agreement.
  • Oppositional: Audience completely disagrees with the ideology of the producer. 
Ideology of Christmas is that it is a christian occasion, however many families that aren't Christian celebrate Christmas. It is seen by the general public as a time of family and friends coming together. Its commonly about giving and receiving gifts. An oppositional view of Christmas might be that someone doesn't have or want to spend money on gifts for people.

Local Newspapers have a captive target audience of people who want to know whats going on locally. We like to see ourselves in the news. Anchorage, Positioning. 


Forcing an audience in to a particular point of view.

The Preferred reading for the article is frustration due to her easy pass out of prison for assaulting someone. The picture used shows her smiling in a creepy way. The front cover headline says she is "Too smart for prison" which relates to her smiling as she's got away with a knife attack she committed on her partner. 

'Cafe thrilled by a Bond bombshell'- Ideology is that it is something cool for a local readers to see.

Preferred Reading: Its cool to see him in Cambridge.

Negotiated Reading: Its nice they met him but he probably would prefer to be left alone as he's just getting breakfast.

Oppositional: The cafe are using this article as a business advantage. He might feel harassed.



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