Woman Magazine Part 2

Uses condescending language to suggest that women who are reading aren't intellectual enough to understand the article without description. Women may read articles like this and think they have to like kitchens and housework. This is an example of the cultivation theory. The Target audience is assumed to be heterosexual Women married or in a relationship. The article focuses only on the kitchen because it was believed in many households then that thats were they spend the majority of their time, this point is exaggerated in the magazine as it is a double page spread. The article is almost worded like an instruction manual, It is heavily step by step.

Key theory 8- Feminist theory- Lisbet Van Zoonen

Gender is constructed through codes and conventions of media products, and the idea of what is male and what is female changes over time. Women bodies are used in media products as a spectacle for heterosexual male audiences, which reinforces patriarchal hegemony, (Male gaze theory).

Patriarchal Hegemonic Ideologies: The typical view Men see.

"They're like snow-capped volcanoes"
This infers that Alfred Hitchcock views all women as angry on the inside and yet calm and beautiful on the outside.

"I decided to cast her in the film" This language makes the reader seem as if the actress Hitchcock chose didn't get a choice. 

The entire thing is more like a monologue rather than an interview. This emphasises his power.

He is stereotypically unattractive.

Metonym: a word, name or expression used as a substitute for something else with which is closely associated. 


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