Online Media practice question
Clay Shirky states "the future presented by the internet is the mass amateurization of publishing and a switch from 'why publish this?' to 'Why not?'. To what extent is this concept of amateurization applicable to Zoella and Attitude, and to what extent can audiences meaningfully interact with these products? Audience question: Amateurization: The process of making something once professional the domain of amateurs and those who are inexperienced. Online Media is prone to the notion of amateurization, as it is an open platform resource, both universal and inclusive and democratic. Zoella presents herself as a relatable amateur for her target audience. However Attitude Online is a perfectly curated and maintained website serving a valuable purpose. Many opportunities for meaningful interaction. Zoella and Attitude both sell ideology and a lifestyle to their specific target audiences. Reception theory Rather than being a shining light of alternative sys...