Jean Baudrillard suggested that "we live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning." Evaluate the extent to which this postmodernist statement applies to Zoella and Attitude.


HYPERREALITY- a representation of nothing, where the representation is more 'real' than the real.
Zoella leaving mistake in the edit: more real and relatable.
The patriarchal image of attitude 
Binary opposition.
More style than substance.
Zoella's picnic: intertextual references to Disney prince movies, wooden platters, glass bowls, professional, fake.
Shop house, Zoella show house: commodity fetishism: focus on packaging.
Sexless, virginal, innocent, pure.
Old tweets- 'gay men spitting','tramp' 'are they honestly letting a tranny in a policeman hat', 'lesbo'.
Hyperreal simulacrum: a representation of something that doesn't exist.
Extremely stereotypical and idealised representation of gay men in attitude. 
Theatre tabs on their website etc.
'Boys' tab the lexis of the language is diminutive, condescending.
Significant amount of actually straight models, presenting a voyeuristic and hyperreal fantasy to the gay audience.  
Stuart Hall's representation theory
Roland Barthes- semiotics, proairetic, hermeneutic, referential.
Binary opposition
Zoella- Content creation, vlogger, beauty and fashion vlogger, 12 million subscriber and over 1 billion views. Presents outward appearance of a normal and relatable teenage girls. Starting her blog in 2009, she is long established. however, she isn early 30. A hyperreal simulacrum of perfection for her adoring 13 year old females fanbase. 
Web 2.0: presents an easily accessible version of perfection.
Hyper modality: links thats take you somewhere near.
well built

5 - Postmodernism - Jean Baudrillard 

(television, online media)

In postmodern culture the boundaries between the ‘real’ world and the world of the media have collapsed and that it is no longer possible to distinguish between what is reality and what is simulation. In fact, it really doesn't matter which is which!
Therefore, in this postmodern age of simulacra, audiences are constantly bombarded with images which no longer refer to anything ‘real’
Because of this, we are now in a situation that media images have come to seem more ‘real’ than the reality they supposedly represent. This concept is referred to as 'hyperreality'

Key work – Simulacra and Simulation 


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