The Straight Outta Compton Marketing Campaign

Explain the following concepts to a ten year old:

Vertical Integration: Buying other companies to increase the media product and a smaller company. 

Horizontal Integration: Buying other companies to control more, so no one can stand up to them.

Conglomeration: A companies that owns lots of different products in one brand.

Marketing Campaigns

Traditional Marketing:
Trailers (teaser trailers), posters (teaser poster), bill boards.
Interactive, very visual, links to social marketing.
Social Marketing:
Official twitter feed and character twitter feeds for example.
Viral Marketing Campaigns:
Blair witch: A website was made to make it look like a true story of teenagers missing.

Press Marketing: Allowing the press to access pre release images of characters.
PR Stunts:
Eg: Skyfall advertised James Bond parachuting in the London Olympics opening ceremony.
Fan Created Marketing:
  • Websites
  • Forums
  • Facebook and Twitter
  • Fan Fiction
  • Fan Made merchandise
  • Fan Made posters

N.W.A- Historical Context

Fuck Tha Police by N.W.A
The song is about racial profiling involving police.
Skits are used to show that police should be put under pressure in court. This emphasises that what the police officers are doing is a crime.
Rap (Classic Rap)
Rebellious, Gangster, threatening behaviour primarily towards police. Reappropriation of the "N" word.
Police targeting certain individuals because they are African-Americans. 
Gun ownership being an issue for police.

Straight Outta Compton context

Produced by Legendary Pictures who are in a partnership with Universal Pictures as the distributors.
Universal is owned by NBC Universal, a Comcast company.
The film was produced and distributed by a major, vertically integrated film studio.

Straight Outta Compton Trailer

The Purpose and Message: Showing the progression of the story as it has already happened in real life.
Radio Edit censoring the backing track so it can be advertised on TV.
Hermeneutic codes to keep why they get arrested as a mystery therefore you have to watch the film to find out. 
Shows parts of the most exciting scenes to compel it.
No voiceover as the soundtrack is primarily about involved in the film and the characters are already famous and don't need a big introduction.
Rags to Riches story.
The Film Logo relates to the parental advisory logo of music which shows it is a film aimed at adults and older teens.

Straight Outta Compton Marketing Campaign

Target Audience:
Young Working Class who like rap in general.
Fans of Rap, NWA, Biopic films and Legendary Films.

Majority Black Cast.

Examples of Marketing

Teaser Poster
Official Poster
Website Page
Twitter Page


Viral Marketing (Hashtags)
Press Marketing (Magazine Articles and Covers)
Fan Made Marketing (Memes)

Significance of economic factors

To promote the artists still alive and still going for example Dr Dre and Ice Cube.
Police brutality is still a controversial topic.
Synergy- When two different media industries work well together.
The soundtrack for the film is and important part of the film and relates well to what is happening.


  1. Oh! This is interesting! I have seen a lot of movies that involve promoting a brand. I am glad I came across this information because it just skipped my mind that this is also one of the finest ways of promoting a product or a business. I am going to meet SEO and facebook ads management Los Angeles next week and I am going to ask as to what all can be done for the growth of my business.


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