

Middle Aged
Asian-American Director

The mise-en-scene of the Attitude article appeals to a gay target audience with a mid shot main image of Gregg Araki.

Image anchorage with text mentioning 'filmmaker' and image of him surrounded by film equipment.
They chose a picture of him working to create a normalised environment for gay people.
Formal mode of address, goes with the conventions of a normal article, san-serif font.
Formal language, the website mentions that he is talking about sexual fluidity and the LGBTQ  representations before even mentioning his new show. There are assumptions the audience have knowledge of gay culture. 
The language has a gay lexis. 
Monochromatic: Adult audience.
Related stories: hyper modality also shown in the sharing buttons. 

"New queer cinema"- a reappropriation of derogatory term, 'queer' in to something acceptable.

The article features the LGBTQ flag in the main image to attract its target audience. 
Stereotypical magazine website: Layout, articles with image thumbnails that anchor the reader, white background.
Internet 2.0 layout
It has a very clean and concise modern style.
Not male gaze as it's not intended for the view of a heterosexual male.
We can presume the majority of the target audience are gay. Due to the anchorage of images and language used.


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