AI: works through algorithms. We don't know how artificial intelligence works. But it works.

Youtube would specifically promote conspiracy theory videos that would effect mental issues some people have such as schizophrenia. Youtube's algorithms cannot detect unethical content it just uses keywords from titles. Essentially a robot targeting children to get as many clicks as possible.

Duty of care.

"The Science and Technology Committee has concluded that social media companies must be subject to a legal duty of care to help protect young people’s health and wellbeing when accessing their sites."

"Figures produced by Ofcom indicate that 70% of 12–15-year olds have a profile on a social media, while the OECD reports that 94.8% of 15-year olds in the UK used social media sites before or after school."

the majority of people under 18 have unrestricted access to the internet and the regulations of websites are very open and unsafe. Parents find it extremely difficult to know what their children are able to access and when.

It is a manipulation of vulnerable people online. Work class family are stuck with the demands of work and therefore struggle to regulate what their children are viewing.

Internet regulation differs massively from website rules. E.g. Instagram doesn't allow nipples. But twitter does.

Online companies do not share threats with companies simply because they don't have to.

Brands have found a way to directly enter our lives.

Social Media makes products more real/ hyperreality


12 millions subscribers

Fastest selling debut novel by anyone.

Zoella was caught for a number of advertised posts that didn't indicate it.


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