Television is a specialised industry

Music videos, Newspapers and magazines are all specialised industries.
Everyone plays a specific part in particular and specialised roles in industries.
For examples in creating a music video we have actors, editors and lighting etc. 

Television in the 21st century

The television industry is a fractured industry.

Television has changed considerably since the advent of digital technology in terms of its production, distribution and consumption. It has become a global, rather than a national industry and has become increasingly commercial, with public service broadcasting forced to adapt its structure, role and function. International co-production is growing and broadcasters such as HBO have achieved global success.

Broadcasters are now "narrowcasters", with multiple channels targeting different (sometimes more niche) audiences.

We are living in a world in digital convergence. 

Audiences consume television texts in a variety of ways as the industry has increased portability via new platforms (tablets, mobile phones) and patterns of consumptions have changed alongside this (box set and binge watching, on demand and catch up, Netflix, Amazon etc.)

How did Distribution and Circulation and marketing shape Humans?

It attempted to integrate the show to feel as close to reality as possible. This allows the consumer to feel a part of the show. They targeted fans of sci-fi with conventions of typical sci-fi genre such as synthesised music and a the main product of high tech synths. The marketing establishes the threat of technology. 

Reflecting contemporary Britain. 
Launched in 1982.
Marketed originally for an intellectual and artistic younger audience.
Channel 4 is funded from advertising and a small portion of the license fee.
Shameless was a boundary pushing tv show.
Associated with other companies and programmes such as Vice and Kiss fm.


Humans is an example of a transnational production. It is produced by AMC (American) and Channel 4 (British).


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