Representational Issues

Les Revenants directed by Fabrice Gobert (2012)

Representation: How a media product is presents to element of narrative
It is a construction by the producer. Ideological perspective.

Representation in Les Revenants:

Representations of lots of different groups. e.g: teenagers, mothers, fathers, elderly, children.
Hegemonic norms.
Starts conversation, draws the audience in. Unconventional behaviour 'represents' groups into a reality that may be slightly different to hegemonic norms encoded in stereotypes.
Stereotypes originate from Media. Les Revenants represents a wide amount groups integrated with culture and cultivates stereotypes. Particularly an english audience who haven't been to France before.
Horror is not popular in France.

Representation is the study of...

1.     The group, place or issue on which a media product is focusing.

2.     The media language the media product uses in order to present these groups or issues.

3.     The ideological perspective about the group or issue being created within the product.

4.     The impact of this ideological perspective on the target audience.

Simon Delaitre
Middle Class
Early 20s
Clean, healthy
Stereotypically Gothic, minimal colour
Lengthy hair, no specific style
Big un plucked eyebrows

Camille Seguret

Middle Class
Average conventional clothes suggests maturity
Minimal makeup
Floral background,Theme of innocence, virginal
Pale, hardworking indoors kind of person.
Plain long ginger hair
Looks young
Polysemic and complex representation of a teenage girl.
Allows the audience to choose a perspective of Camille , reception theory, allows the audience a negotiated view.

 Claire Seguret
Middle Class
Grey bland yet comfy clothing
Shoulder length cut, slightly grey, symbolises she's old.
Basic straight forward clothes. Fairly chic classic.
Lowkey natural make up.
Effortless looks, comfortable in her skin. 

Mme Costa
Middle class
More sophisticated
Formal attire
Tied back hair (formal)
Julie Meyer
Working class
Looks less healthy, tired

Rural characters in a rural setting.
All different ages, social classes, genders and backgrounds.
Subtle paradigmatic features of the zombie genre. Mass of people, misty background. All white. Ethnically Homogenous.
Target audience: white people
Accurate ethnicity of rural French life.
Doesn't focus on ethnicity

Allegorical aspects: 
Relationships in community, small town life
Grief, religion and coping with loss of family/friends
Typical Zombie films focus on survival while Les Revenants focus on grief and emotion.

Used to be part of a body.


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