Gender Performativity

What might this term refer to?

What examples are there of 'gender as performance' in Humans?

Key theory 10 Judith Butler Gender Performativity. 

Identity is a performance.

Gender is defined through a series of acts. How we walk talk etc.

There is no gender identity behind these expressions of gender.

Gender Performativity is not a singular act, but a repetition and a ritual. It is outlined and reinforced through dominant patriarchal ideologies.

There are many subversive gender representations in Humans.

Key Theory 11: bell hooks feminist theory

Feminism is for everyone. Not just females.
bloke in brothel shows male dominance

Joe demonstrates dominance other Anita as he bought her.

Laura is shown to have significant power over Anita as she is a robot but there is also a form of ethnic dominance.

Lisbet Van Zoonen:
Male Gaze Theory:

Woman are represented in media to attract and satisfy the needs of men.

Anita is Stereotypically seen as a housewife.
Laura is also stereotypically seen as a housewife as she is jealous and angry of Anita stealing her duty.
Laura is a complex representation of women.
The Brothel Customer is showing stereotypical male dominance.

Story arc:

The show lacks a main character.

In Medias Res: Beginning in the middle of the plot

The narrative of humans is unconventional.

Constantly on the run

binary opposition to Anita

Active protagonist.

Rarely smiles.
Hides in alleyways

Diegesis: In the world of narrative.

Humans Marketing Campaign:

Channel 4 synth ebay stunt grabs attention towards a wider audience which enables interaction and spreads discussion about it which advertises the show. Word of mouth, Viral advertising.

Unclear what it is advertising.
Portrayed highly professionally with high production value.
Stereotypical attractive female, male gaze theory.
Extremely Hermeneutic


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