Key Assessment One


The type of way it addresses a person

The choice of Language

Reception Theory

Media Language Question:

Media Language can show multiple meanings through the use of categorising the Media product into a certain Genre. For example, The bold and vintage Tide advert possesses a genre of romance and desire in order for the consumer to fall in love with the product like the Lady has on the print advert. The close up of the main image shows the Woman's emotion which is extremely content and happy while also expressing her true compassion in the action of her physically hugging the box of Tide. The way the advert is presented is slightly indoctrinating as the characters shown state bold and over exaggerated opinions that convince a reader that Tide is the best cleaning product ever. The audience responding will almost definitely be Women as no Men are featured on the advert and the stereotype of Women staying at home was increasingly people during the time this advert was published.  

The Kiss Of The Vampire poster connotates with the Tide print advert as it shows a genre of romance through its use of mise-en-scene. The colours used are primarily Red, White and Black. Red is a symbolic code of romance like the tide advert and we can give further evidence to this point as the females presented can be seen as quite seductive due to their dress code and their actions presenting a hermeneutic code of sexual and over exaggerated behaviour. However the Horror genre contradicts this idea as the colour red can also have relations to blood which is what Vampires feed from. The Serif font in the title created a Gothic theme which adds the genre of horror. The audience responding will expect this movie to be graphic and gain the interest of people who enjoy a movie that creates a thrill. The lexis of the title emphasises the Horror and Romance Genre by using the words "kiss" representing romance and the word "vampire" representing horror.

WaterAid's audiovisual advert generates two genres that are very different to the other media products. However it shows a binary opposition of Claudia and the people around her to give the consumer the assumption of what Africa is like in general which is incredibly incorrect. A low angle tracking shot is shown in the opening of Claudia travelling for water. The colours are very bland and her feet attire is very poor looking and clearly not suitable for the terrain she is walking on. This create a sorrowful genre and makes the viewer show sympathy for her struggle of walking so far for water. However the mise-en-scene later in the advert show vibrant colours and joyful emotions and sounds of singing. This is to show a Genre of happiness and how donating can benefit people of Africa. The audience will most likely responded by donating as they will feel inspired to make more people gain access to clean water and see the positive change it does to people's lives.


The charity adverts represent similar points and aim to persuade people to donate. However, the Save The Children print advert presents a more shocking image while the WaterAid audiovisual advert presents a joyful and gives the imagery of what they can achieve rather than what needs to change. I believe the Save The Children advert is more effective and hard-hitting towards the audience as it positions them in the view of witness. By just viewing the advert, they cant physically stop the child from being forced to fight, but they can help through donating. The scenery shows a destructive and war-zone environment which immediately puts the child out of place as a soldier particularly because the rest of the soldiers are adults. The foreground of the shot shows a presumably high in command character turning his back to the child. This can portray a message to the reader that they are just as evil as the soldier taking no notice if they don't donate. The child is also shown to be wearing less protection than the other soldiers. For example, he has no helmet, no jacket or body armour and also has a less powerful weapon to protect himself with. The fact that the child is barely equipped for emphasises even more that he shouldn't be there.

The WaterAid advert puts the viewer in a less interactive position as there is already happiness in place and a lot less problems that need to be tackled. This gives the consumer a Utopian like view of what they can do if they donate. For example, the close-up shot of the water running out of the tap has a sun-flare shining through it. This gives beautiful imagery which shows how clean the water they now have is. The sun is also commonly related to the emotion of Happiness which fits in perfectly with the entire genre of this advert. The fact that the audience is not positioned as part of the group of people collecting water gives them a God like persona if they do donate as people like Claudia are truly grateful for their access of clean water they now possess.     


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