Representation is a construction of reality.

Producers construct representation through a format of media in order to send a message to the audience. It assists in helping someone watching a particular advert to improve your life.

Charity Adverts:

The purpose of a charity advert is to persuade people to donate in the common form of money, but other ways can be food etc.

They work by making the audience feel sympathy for the people in need of support. They do this by showing distressing imagery to create a intensely emotional form.

The tone used in charity adverts is very serious, they are commonly very informative and direct towards a viewer. They also form a very demanding mode of address.

They demonstrate conventions of clear spoken and quite depressing monotone in their commentary over the frightening imagery being visually shown.

NSPCC Open your eyes (2000):

  • Black and white makes the symbolic theme of a depressing theme.
  • The use of distressing imagery like the child crying makes the viewer get a sense of guilt. The narrative being constructed adds towards the emotional effect.
  • The bars on the cot give a symbolic code of imprisonment.
  • The use of toy imagery shows deeply how young the children are which emphasises their vulnerability
  • A close up on their facial expressions emphasises and develops a more sympathetic emotion and that the child is in grave need of help.
  • The language used is almost as if they are begging, this shows the charities and the victims desperation and need they are in. It forms an even more feel of guilt in the viewer.
  • The direct eye sight of the crying child positions us as a witness who has the choice to take action or not. They also put us in the perspective of the abuser to form even more guilt.

Water-Aid ad:

  • Joyful tone giving an example of what water aid can achieve.
  • They compare the ignorant British of us complaining about too much rain when people in Africa would do anything for fresh water and they Claudia and their community as highly grateful for what they have been given. This makes the viewers feel even more guilt and is practically saying if they donate they can spread more joy which will make viewers feel proud of themselves.
The opening close up shot instantly shows the privileges we take for granted such as simplistic items like the Radio, flowers. It also shows in the blurred the rain against the window, this helps emphasise the significance we think of rain compared to how people like Claudia treasure it. The arrogant attitude of our people is produced that the viewer is placed in a group of ungrateful people in order to exaggerate the guilt of the viewer.


The low angle tracking shot of Claudia walking gives the viewer an idea of the poverty conditions they live in. A proairetic code is shown to give the message of difference in even the smallest of details such as them having a different walking pattern to us. This may be due to the footwear she is wearing which we can give an educated guess that it is highly uncomfortable especially on the gravel path she travels on. All these attributes establish great differences to how we go about life. The sound of her singing gives the impression that she isn't complaining which anybody from Britain would most definitely. The low angle shot also gives Claudia a sense of power as she is taking pride and is happy.

The extreme close up of her face symbolises her difficulty of life behind her joy such as the sun beaming on her faces and the scars. It positions the audience in a positive manner so we can like the character yet also sympathise for her so it doesn't completely seem like she is content with her life.


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