Online Media last lesson

The only reason media products are constructed is to make money.

Stream: Horizontally Integrated

Wink Magazine: bought by Stream, Netherlands magazine, in order to minimise competition.

Other related areas of attitude: Attitude online.

multimedia integration

20-30 Gay Male, Middle Class (Professionals), high disposable income due to not having children/marriage, early adopters spend their money on technology (stereotyping).

The audience is being sold to the advertisers.

Pink pound: Describes the purchasing of the gay community.

Cultural Capitalism: Valuing something other than money. Listening to opera music, collecting fine art etc. Generally accepting that they are 'better'.

The audience of Attitude can use the magazine or the online articles to reflect their identity with the use of David Gauntlett's Pick and Mix theory. For example the articles use a stereotypical gay fashion to anchor the reader and construct their identity by reading the article or spending their 'disposable income' on high end clothing. Sub-Cultural capitalism is used to stereotype gay men by assuming they have knowledge of fashion by using abbreviations like 'SS' for Spring/Summer or 'AW' Autumn/Winter. They have made their article targeted towards an audience who may not all have knowledge of fashion but are gay. This article constructs a hegemonic norm that educates them on who they should stereotypical act as a Homosexual. 

The theatre sections of Attitude online immediately assumes a stereotypical aspect of gay lifestyle is the theatre. This also generates a sense of belonging and community, by showing it as so popular Gay individual will participating in attending the theatre.

Metrosexual: A heterosexual man that is well groomed etc.
Stereotypical representation of what gay men are attracted to or aspired to be.

The website generates a simplistic ideology. Straight forward language, bold titles, similar to tabloid sites like the Daily Mirror in terms of structure. The website is targeting a working class gay audience in order to diversatize their audience in contrast to their press pack selling their audience as middle class, this is specifically marketing the magazines rather than the website. 

Both Zoella and Attitude manipulate their target audiences through using reductive and simplistic representations for the sole purpose of profit. 

End of Audience- Clay Shirky

The world is more democratic due to the internet etc.

You can't comment on attitudes articles because of the homophobia it would receive and comments are really difficult to moderate especially with a large audience. 

Attitude is a traditional online magazine, there is very little to differentiate it from older media.


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