Mock prep

How far can aspects of identity be seen to affect the way in which audiences use online media? Discuss, with reference to Zoella and Attitude. [30] 58 minutes

The extent to which an audience member's own experiences of prejudice or discrimination may affect the way in which they use articles on Attitude's website.

The extent to which body image may affect the way in which audiences uses articles in the 'active' section of attitude's website.

The extent to which self-esteem and self image may affect the way in which audiences use blog posts such as 'Just say yes' or 'panic attacks' in which Zoella discusses her experiences of anxiety and panic attacks.

The extent of wealth and how the audience reacts to the expectation in possessing money to follow 'Zoella's Hauls'.

Theories of identity- David Gauntlett
End of audience theory- Clay Shirky
Reception theory- Stuart Hall
Fandom theory- Henry Jenkins

7 - Theories of identity - David Gauntlett 

(advertising, music videos, magazines, online media)

Audiences are not passive, and media products  allow the audience to construct their own identities
Audiences can pick and mix which ideologies suit them, and completely ignore the elements of the product which they do not agree with in a process of negotiation similar to the one suggested by Stuart Hall

Key work - Media, Gender and Identity: An Introduction 

Both products are entirely sold on identity.

Commidity fetishism 

The website generates a simplistic ideology. Straight forward language, bold titles, similar to tabloid sites like the Daily Mirror in terms of structure. The website is targeting a working class gay audience in order to diversatize their audience in contrast to their press pack selling their audience as middle class, this is specifically marketing the magazines rather than the website. 

Both Zoella and Attitude manipulate their target audiences through using reductive and simplistic representations for the sole purpose of profit. 

The audience of Attitude can use the magazine or the online articles to reflect their identity with the use of David Gauntlett's Pick and Mix theory. For example the articles use a stereotypical gay fashion to anchor the reader and construct their identity by reading the article or spending their 'disposable income' on high end clothing. Sub-Cultural capitalism is used to stereotype gay men by assuming they have knowledge of fashion by using abbreviations like 'SS' for Spring/Summer or 'AW' Autumn/Winter. They have made their article targeted towards an audience who may not all have knowledge of fashion but are gay. This article constructs a hegemonic norm that educates them on who they should stereotypical act as a Homosexual.

19 - ‘End of audience’ theories - Clay Shirky 

(newspaper, radio, videogames, online media)

New media, as in the Internet and digital technologies, have had a significant effect on the relations between media and audiences
Just thinking of audience members as passive consumers of mass media content is no longer possible in the age of the Internet. Now, media consumers have become producers who ‘speak back to’ the media in various ways, creating and sharing content with one another.
This can be accomplished through comments sections, internet forums, and creating media products such as blogs or vlogs
X - However, this theory can and should be criticised. Arguably the media industries are just as exclusionary as they always ave been, and audiences are less 'producers' than 'unwitting advertisers'., promoting pre-existing products through retweets, fan accounts and derivative vlogs that could never be financially successful without aggressive monetisation!

Key work – Here Comes Everyone!

Zoella's social media is advertised with hyperlinks on her youtube channel banner.

The world is more democratic due to the internet.

The audience is essentially a form of advertisement or publicity for Zoella whether the person sharing Zoella in social media is reflecting her in a negative or positive persona, she is still gaining publicity from more audience members. 


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