Multimodality: multimodality is a theory of communication and social semiotics. Multimodality describes communication practices in terms of the textual, aural, linguistic, spatial, and visual resources - or modes - used to compose messages.

Hyperlink:   Something that takes you beyond the original link you are on.

Hypermodality:  Media product goes beyond itself.

'Above the fold':  Where all the elements of the webpage are on the home page.

Logo:  An illustration/text that makes audience recognise the website


Search box: An engine in which you can find a website based around a specific subject, question etc.

Social media Icons: Logos for social media which are commonly used as hyperlinks to take you to a certain social media page from a wbesite.

Banner ads: paid advertisement that stretches across a webpage that is also is a hyperlink to the website advertised.


Main navigation/menu bar:

User experience 

Semiotics: Roland Barthes

5 - Postmodernism - Jean Baudrillard 

(television, online media)

In postmodern culture the boundaries between the ‘real’ world and the world of the media have collapsed and that it is no longer possible to distinguish between what is reality and what is simulation. In fact, it really doesn't matter which is which!
Therefore, in this postmodern age of simulacra, audiences are constantly bombarded with images which no longer refer to anything ‘real’
Because of this, we are now in a situation that media images have come to seem more ‘real’ than the reality they supposedly represent. This concept is referred to as 'hyperreality'

Key work – Simulacra and Simulation 

Breaking the fourth wall
Amateur aesthetic
Codes of realism
High-key lighting
Unscripted narrative
Presenter Pov
Aspirational content
Invitation into private spaces
Single camera edit

'A myth provides a logical model capable of overcoming a contradication' 1958 Levi Claude Strauss

Hyperreality is something that is more real than real.


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