Woman's Hour

Middle class mode of address

How have sociohistorical factors lead to a diversication of media output?

Sociohistorical: historical context

Diversication: presenting a diverse array of media

The 'home' episode is similar to the early showings of the original 'Women's hour' due to mentioning of housework. However there are different viewpoints.

Late night women's hour has to exist because it has to present a range of media programmes to attract all target audiences.

How digital platforms change the way we consume radio

  • TV
  • BBC iplayer
  • Mobile phone: anywhere, anytime
  • Consoles
  • Internet
  • DAB radio


-The coming together of different platforms and media.

You don't need a TV license to access radio.
You also don't need a digital radio to listen to most radio programmes.
Analog radio still exists unlike Analog TV which no longer exists.
Iplayer offers audiences an immersive experience.
'continue watching' 'next episode'
So easy to access, Apps on TVs and Consoles.
Digital technology is broadly anything that is a computer.
Thumbnails attractive UI.

Podcasts (Youtube).
Digital technology allows people to share broadcasts.
Anyone can make a podcast which is a democratisation of media.

  • Audio streaming- (Where listeners can click on a link to play a radio programme instantly over the internet).
  • Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)- (A greater number of wavelengths and therefore stations are available with digital audio)
  • Podcasts- Programmes are packaged and available as downloadable content on a range of different platforms).
  • Cross-Platform- (The combination of visuals with audio output and availability of radio through television platforms).
The show is particularly inoffensive and wouldn't breach OFCOM's regulations.
Regulation of TV, Film and Radio is ineffective due to digital platforms.
Several references to IKEA in a negative way but it isn't direct. 
Potential breach to OFCOM's guidelines giving the company publicity.

Plurality- Where a media product exhibits and gives voice to a wide range of ideological perspectives.

The BBC is a public service broadcaster. What does this mean? What responsibilities does this entail?

It has a self-imposed remit to 'inform, educate and entertain'.

To what extent does the BBC offer it's audiences ideological plurality?

How does LNWH abide by OFCOM's regulatory framework?

  • "Ensure a wide range of services and a wide appeal is available".
Female mode of address.
  • "Maintain plurality in broadcasting"
Mugs: plural experience.
  • "Protect audiences from offensive or harmful material".
It presents nothing that is offensive or harmful
  • "Protect audiences against unfairness or infringement of privacy"

Diversity and creativity in the media

Curran and Seaton claimed that the media are controlled by a small number of companies driven by profit and power. They claimed that the concentration of media is limiting variety, creativity and quality and that if ownership of media can be more diverse this will help to create more varied and adventurous productions.

BBC Three was axed in order to cut back money and is presented on Youtube.

Woman magazine: How to be a housewife.
Assassins Creed III: Liberation, Ubisoft (Major corporation)
News UK a subsidory of News Corp
Adbusters is self funded.


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