Video Games part 2

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How the specialised industry makes money in this era:

Tiered release games:
Standard edition
Deluxe edition
Gold edition

Micro transactions:
Pay to win:
Takes less skill and time by bypassing the process of working your way to the top.

Free to play game which relies on micro transactions to make profit e.g: Fortnite (Markass Brownlee edition)

David Hesmondhalgh:
"It is essential for industries to minimise risk and maximise profit".

Mass audience

Niche audience:
Specific audience

Slavery: Django, 12 years a slave


Assassins creed series:
A repetitive and unoriginal series
Repetition of generic elements like a white background, faded mise-en-scene.
Iconography, costumes are all very similar, particularly the hood.
The gameplay is a stealth based action game and we can immediately identify this in the trailers,

3 - Genre theory - Steve Neale 


Producers rely on audience's desire to see both repetition and difference of genre conventions: seeking out the familiar, while also seeking something vaguely new and different.
Over time, genres change (generic fluidity), combine with one another (generic hybridity) and form entirely new genres and subgenres
Genres are useful for producers from an industrial perspective, as they allow for the precise and specific targeting of certain specific audiences

Key work - Genre and Contemporary Hollywood 

What makes this assassin creed unique is the protagonist is a black and female.
Preferred reading: Being excited by the upcoming game.

Conventions of action film, a strong film like narrative that will appeal to mass audiences.
Released for a variety of platforms, PSVita, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.
Re release allows the producer to make a new release using pre existing assets.

Niche audience:
Pre existing Assassin's creed fans, perhaps obsessive.
"All new missions"- allows super fans who have bought the previous game to have an incentive to buy this one.
The protagonist uses a whip.
Intertextuality to

Subversive new element in video games, appeals to a female and black audience.



Pan, European, Game, Information

Regulations on video games

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The first game to get a bbfc rating was 'the seventh guest' (1993)
Regulation is both confusing and not legally binding.
The attainment of high age rated video games is easy due to the vast access and exposure on the internet for all ages.

Male and Females aged between 15-20


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