Fandom and the 'End of audience'

Pony's Creed Sisterhoof

The video is technically illegal as it violates copyright laws, however, Ubisoft will not file a lawsuit as it reaches a new target audience and generates more consumers to their Assassin's creed franchise.

Textual poaching, stolen aspects from both forms of media that never should've been combined.

Fandoms are often marginalised

Cognitive Dissonance:
The field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. This discomfort is triggered by a situation in which a person’s belief clashes with new evidence perceived by that person.

Hegemony goes against many ideas of textual poaching and marginalised fandoms.

League of legends 

Roland Barthes: The Death Of The Author
The end of the audience
The notation of target audience is extremely important for producer but not consumers.

19 - ‘End of audience’ theories - Clay Shirky 

(newspaper, radio, videogames, online media)

New media, as in the Internet and digital technologies, have had a significant effect on the relations between media and audiences
Just thinking of audience members as passive consumers of mass media content is no longer possible in the age of the Internet. Now, media consumers have become producers who ‘speak back to’ the media in various ways, creating and sharing content with one another.
This can be accomplished through comments sections, internet forums, and creating media products such as blogs or vlogs.

Key work – Here Comes Everyone!

Producer's rely on audiences and their responses to media products

Death Stranding

Hideo Kojina- metal gear solid, and auteur: french for author.
Author rather than someone who just puts something in order.

Participatory culture



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