Les revenants et genre

Drama Slow paced family
Zombie (Sub Genre of Horror) Experimental zombie show
Soap Opera (Sub Genre of Drama) Lots of characters

Pleonastic- where one instrument surpasses the others in a soundtrack in terms of loudness.

Les revenants is a classic example of genre hybridity.

26th November 2012 on Canal+

United Kingdom 9th June 2013 on Channel 4

2 series, 8 episodes each

Based on the French film They Came Back
(Les Revenants) (Director Robin Campillo 2004)

Created by Fabrice Gobert

Cult TV Show

cult following is a group of fans who are highly dedicated to a work of culture, often referred to as a cult classic. A film, book, musical artist, television series or video game, among other things, is said to have a cult following when it has a small but very passionate fanbase. A common component of cult followings is the emotional attachment the fans have to the object of the cult following, often identifying themselves and other fans as members of a community.

Mindless walking.
Banging at the door scene
Camielle's clothing is atypical of the zombie genre as her condition of clothes etc are immaculate

Mise-En-Scene creating elements of typical zombie films:
wooden barricades
zombie bashing the door
walking slowly

Les Revenants is deliberately trying to get a small but devoted audience.


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