Humans- Family Breakfast scene class notes

Humans- Family Breakfast scene class notes

How does Humans target and maintain its audiences?

  • Establishing shot of the nuclear family. 'Normal;, two parents, two kids. Creates an aspirational audience for the 30 something male middle class audience.
  • Slow pan to the mise en scene of the breakfast table, an easily identifiable scene for the middle class audience
  • Polysemic reading - simultaneously funny and and creepy, hinting at situations to come
  • "We should throw a party for the dishwasher, it's been working for years" - confirms Anita's status as a slave and commodity - a challenging concept to be decoded by the middle class audience
  • C/U of Laura's face establishes her dislike of Anita. A relatable situation for the target audience, who may debate oer weather or not to get a maid or cleaner
  • High key lighting - connotations of wealth and comfort - presents a relatable situation for the middle class audience
  • Mise en scene of the breakfast table: "this is what breakfast is meant to be like - a chaotic family setting relatable and aspirational for the middle class audience. A hyperreal representation of middle class lifestyle
  • "This is what breakfast is supposed to be like" - a low key dig at laura, and that she is failing to provide and to play the role of mother.
  • Mise en scene of the cups of tea, stereotypically British, specifically targeting a British audience. RELATABLE.Provides a hyperreal fantasy aspiration for the middle class audience. 
  • Costume - pyjamas and loungewear, apart from Anita - intertextual reference to British sitcoms, stereotypical 'waking up' scene, for example Outnumbered. Anita removes all of the negative stress


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