Title: Horizon
Genre: Indie Rock/Punk music
Target Audience: Music fanatics age 15 plus
Ideological focus: independent, exposing small bands
Key Representation:
Explore how the set edition of Woman magazine constructs it's target audience (15) knee jerk: Follows a hegemonic, traditional stereotype of women in 1964, when this article was published. Cultivation, reception. Are you an A-level beauty?- condescending title, direct mode of address reinforces patriarchal hegemonic norms of beauty. A-level is a a high school qualification and suggest that the aspirations of the target audience are limited, and will have a high school education, so broadly we are involving working class. Audience is constructed through the condescending lexis of 'girls', inappropriate for a middle aged target audience! MES of a series of diagrams and complex information, creating a highly manipulative and highly singular and stereotypical construction of idealised hegemonic beauty norms. removes diversity, and encourages audience to follow rules and guidelines. A present for your kitchen- Personification to ensures the audience knows h...
Z-line: The way the audience is drawn across the advertisement. Rule of thirds: When the advert is split into 9 sections, the middle section, in the second third, is where the audience is naturally drawn to. Headings and Subheading: Used to signify a title of a whole page/article and to title smaller subjects within a page/article. Very commonly larger than all other text. Serif font: Small additions to letters in a font. Formal. Sans-serif font: No small additions to letters in a font. Informal. Lexis: The choice of language. Mode of address: The type of way it addresses a person. Bold, vintage and exaggerated. Target audience: housewife. The colour red expresses the happiness and affection as it relates to romance. Lots of words, gathering as much information as possible. Most likely in a magazine as the reader will have time to read. The character in the advertisement is consistently smiling in every image. It shows how much she likes the product by physic...
Explain the following concepts to a ten year old: Vertical Integration: Buying other companies to increase the media product and a smaller company. Horizontal Integration: Buying other companies to control more, so no one can stand up to them. Conglomeration: A companies that owns lots of different products in one brand. Marketing Campaigns Traditional Marketing: Trailers (teaser trailers), posters (teaser poster), bill boards. Websites: Interactive, very visual, links to social marketing. Social Marketing: Official twitter feed and character twitter feeds for example. Viral Marketing Campaigns: Blair witch: A website was made to make it look like a true story of teenagers missing. Press Marketing: Allowing the press to access pre release images of characters. PR Stunts: Eg: Skyfall advertised James Bond parachuting in the London Olympics opening ceremony. Fan Created Marketing: Websites Forums Facebook and Twitter Fan Fiction Fan Made ...
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