Music Videos lesson 2

The coming together of two previously separate media industries.

Online screening such as youtube particularly targets young adults and teens.
Music videos can attract a very specific audience.
Through convergence we can create a completely new art form.

Where the interconnectedness of media products leads to a result of more of the sum of its parts.

MTV was the original platform for music videos.

Music video

  •  The main focus is the music
  • Doesn't cost money to watch a music video
  • Shorter (Approx 3 mins)
  • Prioritises soundtrack
  • Post production
  • We don't generally go out of our way to watch music videos
  • Rely more on intense visual effects
  • Music videos are generally based around the song
  • Faster paced editing

  • Higher level expectance of engagement
  • Dialogue
  • Music is added after the film has been made
  • Generally we go out of our way to watch them
  • Films can be about anything
  • Slower paced editing
Celebrity is almost a derogatory term.
A person who is well known by the public.
Somebody who holds a significant amount of notoriety.
Well known for something specific.
A person who has value for reputation.
You can lose your celebrity status.
"The attribution of glamorous or notorious status to an individual in the public sphere".

High Key lighting
Low Key lighting

Celebrities provides gratification for the audience.
Celebrities provide escapism.
They can provide you with a dream.

A metanarrative of religion is you attend church on Sundays if you're christian.
Guide us to the decisions we make.

A metanarrative of Science is that you spend your life working to discover things.

A metanarrative of marriage is that it secures a relationship.

Celebrities can provide us with ideologies like being yourself.

In the world of the narrative.

Diegetic Sound: Sound in the world of the narrative.
examples: Dialogue, birds tweeting, car engines etc.

Non Diegetic Sound: Sound that is not in the world of the narrative.
Example: Music (Soundtrack).

In Music videos the diegesis of the sounds is unclear.

Post modernism:
A media product that breaks the rules (Subversive).
To put across a deeper meaning.
To be unique.



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