Introduction To The Film Industry

What is the purpose of any media product?

To sell the media product to a consumer in order to make money.

The Birth Of Film:

  • Late 1800s.
  • Started out in many Bars and Clubs.
  • Hollywood films begun industrialised products to sell broadly.
  • Editing cinema products was very stereotypically for Women as it was heavily creative.
  • Women were quickly pushed away from this role as it was seen to make lots of money.
Classical Hollywood narrative refers to several characteristics that typified film making ideology at the time.

Spatial continuity: the audience always knows where they are at any time.

Temporal continuity: the audience always knows in what order the events have transpired, and any flashbacks and so forth will be clearly signposted.

Realistic: must not make reference to other filmic or popular texts.

The Studio System:

Production: The creation of a media product.


Distribution: Giving something out.

Vertical/Horizontal integration:

Regulation: The rules that have to be followed.

Digital Technologies:

Convergence: Collaboration of different media products or industries.

In what ways has film distribution and exhibition been affected in the last two decades?

  • Social Media allows film and TV to be advertised/distributed successfully.
  • Traditionally, a film is distributed in the cinema (theatrical release).
  • Distributed illegally via piracy websites.
  • Digital technology e.g: mobile phones, cameras, computers. Any technology that requires computers to run.
  • VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray, Streaming (Netflix).

David Hesmondhalgh (Cultural Industries):

Horizontal integration: Where a company buys other companies in the same sector to reduce the competition for audiences.

Vertical integration: Where a company buys up other companies involved in different stages of the production and circulation.

Conglomeration: A conglomerate is a corporation that consists of a group of businesses dealing in different products or services. Conglomeration is the process of a conglomerate being formed.

Company ident: showing the distributers and producer companies who participated in creating the film.

Universal Pictures

estimated value: $11.7 billion.

Owned by Comcast and NBCuniversal
Founded: 30 April 1912 by  Carl Laemmle, Mark Dintenfass, Charles O. Baumann, Adam Kessel, Pat Powers, William Swanson, David Horsley, Robert H. Cochrane and Jules Brulatour

Curran and Seaton (Power and Media industries):

The media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the profit and power.
Media concentration limits variety, creativity and quality.
More socially diverse patterns of ownership can create more varied and adventurous media productions.


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