Hegemony- 'The A grade concept'

The term was first used by Antonio Gramsci (A Marxist).
Marxism: 'We live in a society where rich dominate the poor'.
Manipulation is a big part of Hegemony.
Patriarchal control is a form of Hegemony.
Social Hegemony representing rules of society we naturally follow such as manners.
Social Hegemony separating genders.
Patriarchal Hegemony: Pirates dominated the sea and were more powerful than mermaids showing masculine dominance.

Feminist Theory- Lisbet Van Zoonen:

Feminist: A Man or Woman who believes Women should have equal rights to Men.
The idea that gender is constructed through discourse, and that its meaning according to cultural and historical context. The idea that the display of Women's bodies as objects to be looked at is a core element of western patriarchal culture. The that in mainstream culture the visual and narrative codes are used to construct the male body as spectacle differ from those used to objectify the female body.

Sexualisation: To make something, be it person or object exhibit sexual aspects. To define somebody purely by their perceived physical attractiveness.

Objectification: To present somebody as something inanimate or unfeeling.

  Social Hegemony: It shows sexualisation from the celebrity's choice of clothing and it is encouraged by the article and the language used in it.


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