Narrative (And Representation)

Narration: The process of telling a story. The call the person telling a story the narrator.

Narrative: The way in which a story is told.

Arcetype: A type of character that appears time and time again. (Cookie-cutter character)

Tzvetan Todorov: Narratology

Equilibrium: State of balance.

Disequilibrium: Something goes wrong. Issue needs to be solved.

Partial Restoration of Equilibrium
Todorov's theory is that the vast majority of films have the liminal period.
Beginning, Middle, End
A sense of balance and disruption.
One plot is called a single strand of narrative.
Mulitiple plots is called a multi strand of narrative.

Examples of Equilibrium:

The Only Way Is Essex: Argument.

Rick And Morty: Wedding episode, secret agent, massive shootout, loads of planets, space police, galactic federation.

Advantages of narrative equilibrium:

We can apply it very simply.
We can use it on a macro and micro level.
Very flexible theory.

Disadvantages of narrative equilibrium:

Too stereotypical.
Far too simple for in depth analysis.

Narrative of Kiss Of The Vampire (1963):

Genre Iconography: 

Dramatic, excessive gestures connotative of conflict.

Binary Oppositions:

Attractive Women in white with agressive expressions.

Disruption of Equilibrium:

Symbolic code of a Vampire biting woman. Shows strict power of the Vampire.

Challenging stereotypes:

Connotations of powerful Women through symbolic protective gesture

Hermeneutic Code:

Cluttered and confusing collection of characters. (Character Arcetypes)

Representation of Women:

Sexualised. Costume code is flimsy dressing. Also shown as being Submissive.


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