Media Products, Industries and Audience

Cannot sell a media product without an audience.
Audience can be broadly categorised through demographics.

McDonald's Pickle Advert:

Demographic: Younger couple/family.
McDonald's is aimed at younger people.
It is no longer advertised towards Kids more due to its health issues and parents don't want their children to be encouraged by the company's marketing.
Stereotypical romantic gesture.

What happens when you watch too much TV/Youtube/video-games?

  • Little engagement of social life.
  • Strains eyes.
  • "You get square eyes".
  • Lower your self esteem.
  •  You become mindless, Can harm your brain.

Albert Bandura (Theorist):

TV, Youtube and Video-games are all an example of mass media.

The Effect Model aka The Hypodermic Needle Model:

Ideas, Beliefs and Values being injected into the audience's brain.
E.g: If you watch a violent film, you become violent.
This very straight forward theory has an element of truth.
Passive Injection, so it can be used positively, E.g: Anti-Terrorist ideology.

George Gerbner (Cultivation Theory):

Cultivation: A growing ideology and belief from heavy exposure to a cultivates like TV as it grows or develops in audiences. Cultivation happens over a long period of time.
Television present a mainstream view of culture, ignoring everything else.
In doing so, Television distorts reality.
Heavy television users are therefore more likely to accept this edited and distorted view of reality.

Issues with Cultivation Theory:

Not everyone watches excessive amounts of television.
It's distressingly similar to the effects model.

Cultivation of the Tide Advert:

Emphasises the stereotypical view that a Women's place is the Home.
It also shows that Women should be cleaning and that they love it.
It's viewed that only Women should clean which creates a strong ideology.
It exaggerates the word "Tide" to cultivate the audience into believing its the best cleaning product ever.

Cultivation of the Coca-Cola Advert:

It is a high class soft-drink that makes you feel High-class.
Drinking Coke makes you a more colourful person above everyone else.
The slogan "Tastes the Feeling" functions as a hermeneutic code.
Cultivates the idea that Coke brings people together and allows them to relax.
Cultivate an idea of beauty in relation to Coke so it makes you feel more attractive.
Increases self-esteem.


Where one group wields power over another, not through domination, but through coercion and consent.
E.g: Hegemonic power: The School System Non-Hegemonic Power: Military Conquest.

Hegemonic Power:

  • Manners at the table.
  • Common Courtesy.
  • Respect Elderly, Pregnant Women etc.
  • "Please and Thank You".
  • Wearing Clothes.
  • Public Hygiene, e.g: Washing your hands.
  • Wearing Make-up
  • Patriarcal society


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