
Showing posts from December, 2017


What is regulation? Rules and restrictions that media products has to follow. Examples of regulatory frameworks for media products are competition laws, British Board Of Film Classification (BBFC). Regulation is positive because it keeps people in order and stops extreme and wrong views from media producers cultivating consumers.      The ghost is representing David Cameron. Big Rupert is Rupert Murdoch. The spider is Andy Coulson.

Power of Media and Industries

James Curran and Jean Seaton's Theory: 'Diversity is in the public interest- But modern societies suffer from the collective attention deficit disorders' 'The public interest has to work harder to be noticed, and we need agile but resourceful media to do that'. Monopoly: Exclusive ownership or control of something. e.g: Stagecoach Conglomerate: A large corporation consisting of multiple smaller companies. Subsidiary: A smaller company owned by a larger corporation. Vertical integration: A particular corporation works as an individual company. For example Universal cinemas only showing their films in the past.  Disney is an example of the 'Big Six' media conglomerates. A benefit of conglomerates is that they can get involved in as many forms and genres of media they wish. Curran and Seaton on monopoly: 'It extends their range of business and political connections, increases their corporations's prestige and, through ju...